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A stack of one hundred dollar bills neatly arranged on top of each other
  • By: The Bishop Law Group
  • Published: June 6, 2021

If you have been seriously injured in a personal injury accident, you may be wondering how much money you will be entitled to for pain and suffering. An experienced personal injury lawyer will help you recover a reasonable settlement for pain and suffering based on your case’s facts. Typically, the more severe your injuries, the more compensation you will receive. If you have been permanently injured and will continue suffering symptoms for years to come, you will be entitled to more compensation for pain and suffering. What Constitutes Pain And Suffering In Maryland? Victims of personal injuries are entitled to economic damages, which are easily quantifiable expenses resulting from their injuries. They are also entitled to non-economic damages that are not easily quantifiable for their pain and suffering. Pain and suffering refer to the psychological distress and physical pain a person experiences due to physical injuries. Damages for pain and suffering include…Read More

A tense moment captured as a man and woman lock eyes through a doorway, reflecting the troubled state of their relationship.
  • By: The Bishop Law Group
  • Published: June 6, 2021

Individuals seeking a divorce in Maryland often ask if they need to prove fault or that their spouse did something unethical. Maryland recognizes two different types of divorce — limited divorce and absolute divorce. One or both spouses need to prove that there are one or more legally recognized grounds for divorce. Grounds for divorce are the legally recognizable reasons that a couple is getting divorced in Maryland. Maryland recognizes both no-fault and fault-based divorce. The Difference Between An Absolute And Limited Divorce In Maryland In a limited divorce, you do not end your marriage. Instead, you establish certain responsibilities while the parties are separated, such as alimony and child support. In an absolute divorce, the marriage has legally ended. You cannot resolve the division of property and retirement assets through a limited divorce. Instead, you will need to seek an absolute divorce. Grounds For Absolute Divorce In Maryland There are multiple grounds…Read More

A woman and child embrace warmly in a cozy living room, expressing love and affection towards each other.
  • By: The Bishop Law Group
  • Published: June 6, 2021

If you have experienced domestic violence or someone is threatening your safety, you probably wonder how to go about getting a protective order. The state of Maryland allows people who have been going through some type of abuse to seek protection through a Peace Order or Protective Order. You can get a protective order against the person who is hurting you or threatening you that requires them to stay away from you and your children. These types of orders are often referred to as restraining orders in other states. Domestic Violence And Protection Orders Domestic violence victims can apply for a protective order at Maryland district and circuit courts. When applying for a protective order, the person allegedly abusing the victim is called the respondent. The person filing the petition for a protective order is called the petitioner. The petitioner needs to prove that he or she: Has a child with…Read More

A close-up of a marijuana plant with green leaves
  • By: The Bishop Law Group
  • Published: June 6, 2021

11 states, including the District of Columbia, have legalized recreational marijuana use, and 34 states allow medical marijuana use. Several states have recently legalized recreational marijuana, but Maryland is not one of them. In Maryland, marijuana is still illegal, although if you are caught with a tiny amount of marijuana, you will face civil, not criminal penalties. Many Marylanders are arrested for possession of marijuana while traveling to and from D.C., which has legalized marijuana possession. Even if you purchase the marijuana in D.C., you can still face charges if you are caught with it in Maryland. The more marijuana in your possession, the greater the penalties you will face. We will discuss the penalties for marijuana possession below. Possession Of Less Than 10 Grams Of Marijuana In Maryland, possession of less than 10 grams of marijuana is not considered a criminal offense. However, keep in mind that just because you will not receive…Read More

A man and woman in a car talking to a police officer. The image depicts a potential DUI charge situation.
  • By: The Bishop Law Group
  • Published: June 6, 2021

If you have been arrested for a DUI or DWI in Maryland, it is crucial that you speak to an experienced criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible. The penalties for a DUI or DWI conviction are serious and include losing your license, facing mandatory fines, and possible jail time. A criminal defense lawyer can begin investigating the circumstances of your arrest and develop a compelling legal defense strategy. Every DUI case is different, and your legal strategy will depend on the facts of your case. The best DUI defense also depends on which types of mistakes law enforcement officers make. Every DUI case is different, but some common defenses discussed below may apply in your case. You Were Not Given A Chance To Contact An Attorney Every suspect in a DUI or DWI case has the right to a defense attorney during a criminal investigation. The right to an…Read More

A child holds a red heart-shaped paper, symbolizing a custody battle, with emotions and love at stake.
  • By: The Bishop Law Group
  • Published: June 4, 2021

Many people state that going through a divorce is one of the most stressful events in their lives. When you add on the stress of child custody matters, it can be incredibly draining for everyone. It is important to remember that the family court will be watching how you act during the child custody dispute. They will consider your actions in court during the legal proceedings and outside of the courtroom. The way you behave to your co-parent and around your children will significantly impact the outcome of your child custody matter. We have created a list of actions you should avoid taking because they could be used to hurt you in your child custody negotiations. Engaging In Physical Or Verbal Altercations The stress of your divorce or custody matter can make it easy for you to lash out against your co-parent. Your emotions are probably running hot, and you are understandably…Read More

Logo of The Bishop Law Group
  • By: The Bishop Law Group
  • Published: January 18, 2021

As parents, we want the best for our children. Learning that law enforcement officers have arrested your minor child can be devastating. If your child has been arrested and is facing juvenile criminal charges, you are likely concerned about your child’s future and whether or not your child will be permanently scarred. At The Bishop Law Group, we have helped many juvenile clients navigate the criminal justice system while advocating for their rights throughout the process. Do not risk your child’s future by waiting to hire an experienced lawyer. The skilled juvenile crime lawyers at The Bishop Law Group will offer your child a strategic legal defense. Contact us today to schedule your free initial consultation to learn how we can advocate for you. Our Goals When Representing Juvenile Defendants When experienced criminal defense lawyers represent juvenile clients, we have two important goals. The first goal is to ensure that…Read More

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