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  • By: The Bishop Law Group
  • Published: July 11, 2022
A wooden family, gavel and a judge symbolize the concept of family law.

Family law lawyers are attorneys who specialize in matters of family law. They handle legal issues such as divorce, child custody, spousal support, and more. Family law lawyers can serve as mediators when family disagreements arise and represent litigants in family conflicts that go to court.

When dealing with matters as important as your family, you want an experienced attorney on your side. The Baltimore family law lawyers at The Bishop Law Group are committed to helping our clients achieve favorable outcomes in a range of complex legal issues.

Are you unclear about what types of matters our attorneys can help with? You should consider contacting our office if you need help with any of the following:

1. You Need To Get An Annulment

There are two ways to end a marriage in Maryland. The first is by filing for an annulment. When you annul your marriage, it is as though you were never married. While you must still divide your marital property and deal with spousal support, child support, and child custody (if relevant), getting an annulment is generally quicker than getting a divorce. It also generally has fewer long-term implications.

The grounds for seeking an annulment in Maryland are limited. A family lawyer can help you determine if you qualify. If you do, your lawyer can guide you through the annulment process. If you do not, your lawyer can assist you with filing for divorce.

2. You Are Thinking About Filing For Divorce

There are several important considerations involved in filing for divorce in Maryland. If you are thinking about getting divorced, it is important that you speak with a family lawyer. It is easy to make mistakes if you aren’t familiar with Maryland’s divorce laws, and fixing these mistakes can be frustrating, time-consuming, and expensive.

3. Your Spouse Has Filed For Divorce

You will also want to speak with a lawyer if your spouse files for divorce. It typically isn’t in either spouse’s best interests to share a lawyer, and trying to handle your divorce without a lawyer isn’t a good idea. A family lawyer can help you make smart decisions focused on your (and your children’s) long-term best interests, and your lawyer can help you navigate the divorce process as efficiently as possible.

4. You Need To Prove (Or Disprove) Paternity

Under Maryland law, a husband is presumed to be the father of a child born to his wife during the couple’s marriage. In all other situations, it is necessary to establish paternity through formal legal means. A family lawyer can help you establish paternity so that you can secure custody rights (as a father) or child support (as a mother). A family lawyer can also help you work to disprove parentage if necessary.

5. You Need To Establish, Enforce, Or Modify Child Support Or Child Custody

If you are preparing for a divorce or separation, a family lawyer can help you with establishing child custody and child support. In Maryland, all custody arrangements must reflect the best interests of the children involved. Divorcing and separating parents must calculate child support in accordance with Maryland law as well.

A family lawyer can also help you if you need to enforce or modify child support or child custody after a divorce or separation. While there are various ways to enforce parents’ custody rights and support obligations in Maryland, the grounds for seeking to modify child custody and child support are limited.

6. You Need To Enforce Or Modify Spousal Support (Alimony)

A family lawyer can help you if you need to enforce your right to spousal support or modify your spousal support payments. If your former spouse is behind on your alimony payments, your lawyer can seek to garnish his or her wages or force payment through other means. If you can no longer pay due to factors beyond your control, your lawyer can help you file a petition to modify spousal support in the appropriate court.

7. You (Or A Loved One) Needs Protection From Domestic Violence

Finally, if you (or a loved one) needs protection from domestic violence, you can—and should—contact a family lawyer for help. There are special procedures for seeking domestic violence restraining orders in the Maryland courts, and your lawyer can seek a restraining order on an emergency basis if necessary.

Speak With A Baltimore Family Law Lawyer At The Bishop Law Group

If you have questions about a family-related legal matter in Maryland, our experienced attorneys can help. Contact our office now to discuss your situation.

See our client testimonials.

To schedule a confidential consultation with a family law lawyer at The Bishop Law Group, contact our office today online or at (410) 390-3101. We serve families in Baltimore, Ocean City, and other areas.

Contact Attorney Brian Bishop for legal services in Maryland - The Bishop Law Group

Attorney Brian Bishop is a top-ranked Maryland personal injury attorney. Recognized for his successes in the courtroom and exceptional customer service, his passion for personal injury and criminal defense is powered by a deep dedication to others.

Attorney Bishop aims to share his knowledge of insurance behavior and criminal investigations to empower people across the state. Connect with The Bishop Law Group today to stay up to date on the latest in Maryland DUI and personal injury law.

Call Now For An Assessment Of Your Needs - (410) 390-3101

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